CSR/SustainabilityCSR ・ Sustainability
Materiality issues and Tomoku's Approach
Materiality issues and Tomoku's Approach(Website Browsing Versin)
- E
Global environmental
- Details of Materiality Issues
- Response to climate change
- Recognized Opportunities and Risks
- Increase in abnormal weather and natural disaster risks
- Worsening of working environments, Introduction of carbon tax
- Rising demand for a low-carbon society
- Improved evaluation and the spread of the of energy-saving and highly insulated houses
- Tomoku Group Initiatives
Contribution to circular economy (Recycling and utilization of used paper),CO2 emission reduction (Utilization of renewable energy, Improvement of delivery and fuel efficiency, Design and spread of energy-saving housing, Energy saving by improvement in efficiency)
- Details of Materiality Issues
- Conservation of biodiversity
- Recognized Opportunities and Risks
- Deforestation in supply chain
- Conservation of water resources
- Evaluation improvement by increasing deforestation prevention awareness
- Tomoku Group Initiatives
Use of certified raw materials, etc.
Securing traceability, Implementation monitoring
- Details of Materiality Issues
- Management and reduction of waste and hazardous materials
- Recognized Opportunities and Risks
- Destruction of surrounding environment
- Workplace safety
- Increased demand for a more circular economy
- Tomoku Group Initiatives
Waste volume reduction management and recycling
Hazardous materials management
- S
Diversifying of human resources and respect for human rights
- Details of Materiality Issues
- Respect for human rights
- Recognized Opportunities and Risks
- Harassment
- Lowered reputation due to lack of overwork prevention
- Human rights risk in the supply chains, temporary workers and contractors
- Utilization of foreign workers and consideration of human rights
- Tomoku Group Initiatives
Human rights awareness, Harassment education
Response to foreign workers and supply chains (Development of grievance mechanism, DD. etc.)
Promotion of labor saving and unmanned operation by introducing IoT and robots, etc.
- Details of Materiality Issues
- Human resources training and development
- Recognized Opportunities and Risks
- Difficulty of recruiting capable human resources due to the declining birthrate
- Skill succession, Improving production efficiency
- Tomoku Group Initiatives
Enhancement of training system, Support for self-improvement,Practice of the management philosophy
- Details of Materiality Issues
- Occupational health and safety in the workplace
- Recognized Opportunities and Risks
- Economic loss due to insufficient production activities
- Lowered reputation due to lack of health and safety measures
- Productivity improvement through a safe and comfortable production system
- Tomoku Group Initiatives
Improvement of workplace environment and training to achieve zero accidents,Promotion of labor saving and unmanned operation by introducing IoT and robots, etc.
- Details of Materiality Issues
- Work style reform, Improvement of employee satisfaction, D&I promotion
- Recognized Opportunities and Risks
- Difficulty of recruiting capable human resources due to the declining birthrate,Increase in turnover rate
- Improvement in workplace vitality and productivity
- Exercise of abilities,Securing of talented people
- Tomoku Group Initiatives
Welfare, Training support, Women’s participation, Shorter working hours,Paid leave, Senior employment, Promotion of advanced use of ICT,
D&I promotion
- Details of Materiality Issues
- Supply chain management
- Recognized Opportunities and Risks
- Business continuity due to procurement risk
- Decline in sales due to lowered reputation
- Dysfunctional circulation system
- Response through dialogue, collaboration and monitoring
- Tomoku Group Initiatives
Monitoring of suppliers based on ESG
- S
Safety and
security of
products and services
- Details of Materiality Issues
- Improving safety, security and reliability of products and services
Safe and secure delivery
Comfortable and attractive living environment
- Recognized Opportunities and Risks
- Increased awareness of product safety, security and environmental performance
- Tomoku Group Initiatives
Deepening of basic technology and R&D,Improving communication with customers, Providing a comfortable living environment
- S
Development of
- Details of Materiality Issues
- Contribution to and dialogue with local communities
- Recognized Opportunities and Risks
- Local residents’ antipathy to noise and traffic congestion
- Increased recruitment from surrounding areas
- Tomoku Group Initiatives
Building relationships of trust through dialogue with communities, Conduct of events, Environmental education through factory tours, Factory tours for individual shareholders
- G
Strengthening governance
- Details of Materiality Issues
- Compliances with fair trade practices
- Recognized Opportunities and Risks
- Payment of surcharges, Transaction halts, Loss of social credibility
- Expanding business as an ethical company
- Tomoku Group Initiatives
Legal compliance regarding business transactions, internal penetration, and implementation of training
- Details of Materiality Issues
- Corporate Governance
- Recognized Opportunities and Risks
- Divestment from investors
- Transaction halts
- Tomoku Group Initiatives
Corporate governance policy, Internal control policy, Compliance regulations, IR activities Implementation of training for all employees, BCP measures, Information management