CSR/SustainabilityCSR ・ Sustainability

Goals to be achieved by 2030

We are currently developing long-term goals by 2030 based on materiality issues
which will gradually be develop and announced.

Response to climate change

We will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% (as compared to 2013) for Scope 1 and 2 by actively introducing renewable energy sources, and improving efficiency and processes.

Reduction in GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2)

(as compared to 2013)

Tomoku Co., Ltd. (Scope1 and 2)

Switching all electricity used in operations to renewable energy- sourced, Conversion boiler fuel from heavy oil to city gas, Conversion of on-site lifts to EVs, Switching to LED lighting, Energy saving of production equipment, Introduction of HVs or EVs,

Tohun Co., Ltd. (Scope1 and 2)

An efficient vehicle allocation planning, Improving the loaded vehicle ratio, Energy-saving driving, Thorough implementation of stopping idling, Switching to a vehicle that complies with the latest emission regulations, Switching all electricity used in operations to renewable energy- sourced, Switching to LED lighting, Introduction of next-generation trucks with excellent environmental performance

Sweden House Co., Ltd. (Scope3)

In addition to promoting the reduction in GHG emissions (Scope1 and 2), Scope 3 Category 11 (Use of Sold Products) in the housing business has a large ratio of emissions in the value chain, which is why we have set the the reduction target.
Residential energy consumption (Scope 3 category 11)  is reduced by 50% (as compared to Japanese Energy-Saving Standards 2016) in terms of CO2 equivalent by introducing energy-saving equipment, renewable energy etc..

Conservation of biodiversity

We commit to achieve a sustainable procurement ratio of 100% for purchased raw materials, in consideration of the environment and human rights.

Achievement of sustainable raw materials

Occupational health and safety in the workplace

We will continue to improve the work environment toward zero industrial accident by labor saving through the active use of IoT and robots and safety training.

Achievement of the target number of industrial accidents