CSR/SustainabilityCSR ・ Sustainability


SDGs (materiality issues and initiatives)

With reference to the ISO26000 core subject and the SDG Compass, the Group top management identified materiality issues based on the publicly available information, opinions of experts and stakeholders. Continue to review materiality issues in order to reflect the requests of stakeholders and changes in the environment in our management.

Mapping the SDGs against the value chain

  • Mover your cursor to the table to see related items
  • Contribution to circular economy by increasing recycling and utilization rates of waste paper  Human rights and environmental consideration by expanding the use of certified products
  • Human resources development through training and education Creating a decent workplace by utilizing IoT technologies Improve quality, service, attractiveness and communications with customers
  • Providing environmentally friendly products (Easy to recycle, reuse)
  • Measures for climate change and/or water resources  Efforts for  human rights issues Maintaining recycling system
  • Measures for climate change, Effective use of energy, Waste reduction Efforts for human rights issues of foreign migrant workers Eradication of traffic accidents, Promotion of ‘’White Logistics Movement’’
SDGs (materiality issues and initiatives)Mapping the SDGs against the value chain

Mapping SDG reporting priorities through materiality

Twelve materiality issues were selected by classifying important issues from the perspective of impacts on all stakeholders and on the Tomoku Group.

Mapping SDG reporting priorities through materiality